Heat Pump systems federal tax credit information
If only it were that easy.
Section 25C of the Inflation Reduction Act set into motion a frenzy of activity in my industry.
Manufacturers scrambled to modify their existing systems to meet the efficiency thresholds
Testing agencies tested thousands of combinations of systems and are still at it today
Energy Star released a somewhat comprehensive list of system combinations that met the criteria
And everyone who needed a new system was assured that it would or would not qualify.
And then...
Everything started changing .
Be aware that everything about the tax credit that you need to know as a consumer is subject to change. It has changed in some way at least 4-6 times since January and this last one was pretty big.
Many of the systems that qualified are missing from the list on the Energy Star website. What is and what is not Energy Star "cold climate" is unknowable at this point and that is a major qualification of 25C.
Our proposals are now stating "may be eligible for rebates and credits" for this reason.
Call and ask for John for more information on this and other issues facing the consumer with regard to heat pumps, gas furnaces and geothermal credits and rebates.